Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Coolest Present EVER!

Madison got this shirt and thought it was the best ever!
(Ha~Ha~Ha Brittany)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Throw Blanket

My Blanket
Madison's Blanket

My neighbor down the street, Kelly always does something nice for Madison for Christmas. This year she made her a little throw blanket...I told her it was so cute, she told me if I bought her some material she would make me one. So last night I took Bill to Joann's and I bought all the supplies. Well today Kelly came over and brought me my blanket....I LOVE IT!!! Thank you Kelly!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nothing like a cluts....

Little toe BROKEN...need I say more, besides...

Hurt like heck!!!

(picture doesn't do justice)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Never Look Down!

Never look down when walking behind a store because the dumpster will reach out and attack you...If you think Zane's face looks bad you should see the dumpster!

Zane is a Security Guard for the Malls at Lake Havasu and was out on patrol late at night and it was raining, he thought he had seen something lying on the ground. Looked down to see what it was and that's when the dumpster grab him.

Only a mother with blackmail on her mind would post this on her blog while talking to her hurt son...Hee hee! (he says, "He feels special!")

The Adventure Started and Everyone is Safe!

For those of you that don't know the whole story, here is a short version. Jamie and family found out they were moving to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky instead of Korea (yeah right!) well they didn't expect it til next year. HA HA HA....Almost 2 weeks ago they found out they had 10 days to move out of their house and move to Ft. Campbell in 11 after that. That gives them NO time for slowing down at all!....

So time was spent....1. packing the house 2. getting car fixed from a boo boo 3. Jamie getting all the paperwork done for the move and housing in Kentucky 4. paying off bills 5. having all phones and etc. turned off 6. Returning Christmas gifts so they don't have to pack them all up 7. not being able to get passports in time for Mary and the boys to ride with Jamie, so buying plane tickets to Seattle 8. Jamie having to drive the car to Seattle 9. and all the Etc's......

So Mary and the boys made it safely to Seattle and waiting for Jamie.

Now Jamie's side of the adventure...1. spinning out on black ice and having to dig his way out of the snow bank with no shovel 2. almost hitting a Caribou standing in the middle of the road on a mountain corner 3. hitting black ice again at 20 miles an hour and breaking the plastic piece from underneath the car, which is alright as long as he was ok! 4. eating on the run 5. not stopping to use the bathroom (I know TMI) 6. not getting to much sleep 7. making it to Seattle at 3am this morning...SAFE! 8. A mother not worrying anymore!

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for keeping them all safe on their journey and the journey's they have yet to face.

So they will spend the day in Seattle and then drive to Arizona to spend Christmas with us, I am so excited! Can't wait to see those grand boys of mine....I will be posting ALOT of pictures.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pondering and Being Thankful

As I sit and ponder about the next couple of days and what I have to endure. I am grateful for what I have and for what I have gone through in my life so far. I know my Heavenly Father has given me personal challenges to go through and to learn and over come...I am grateful for each one of them. I am grateful to a loving mother and father who raised me and cared for me. I am grateful for a loving family and in laws that take care of me when needed and loves me. To a wonderful husband who puts up with all my odd moments and still loves me. To my 5 loving children, their spouses and my adorable Grandchildren! I cherish each moment we have together and the memories we have made and to those we have yet to make... To my friends that I have, the kind words when I have needed them, a call at the right time, a taco bell run or for just a smile down a long hallway! I am blessed with some much in my life, thank you.

I love the poem "Footprints" the part I like best is when it says, "He whispered,"My precious child, I love you and will never leave you never, ever, during your trails and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints it was then I carried you."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wanted to share a Mother's Love...

(Written by my Sister-in-Law LeAnn, Lorin's Mother)

There are definately Angels among us and I have witnessed that all through this day on the one year anniversary of Lorin's passing. How blessed I feel to have not only heavenly Angels that help us but many, many earthly Angels that are walking amongst us each and every day to lift and carry us when the load seems to heavy to bear. Today has been a wonderful day from the moment someone broke into my house at 6:00 am (while I'm saying my morning prayer) only to hear beautiful music being played by an Angel on the baby grand a few seconds later and feeling the presence of Lorin in my home. Craig and I got a 75 min. personal concert and watched the sun come up. Then to walk out my front door to find our yard was covered in red hearts with sweet little thoughts of Lorin written on each one and a note that read "We will always Remember"at my front door. Then my patio covered with 62 bottles of IBC Rootbeer with red and black ribbons tied around each one, knowing that IBC was Lorin's favorite soda and 62 was his football #. And all that happened before 7:30 this morning. As the day went on we had several visits, phone calls, text messages, cards and e-mails letting us know that we were being thought of and that Lorin's memory lives on. Now if that isn't "Angels" amongst us, I don't know what is.This evening we had a little memorial at the cemetery that turned out real nice as we took turns relating special memories that we had of Lorin along with playing some of the music we had recorded from our morning concert. Many more Angels had already been at the cemetery and left sweet notes, gifts and memories. While at the cemetery waiting to start, Landon (our grandson) handed out little bags of blue skittles that he and his little brother, Van had helped their mom put together, knowing that the blue skittles were Lorin's favorite and he had asked for them several times while in the hospital. We ended our evening going to Mattas (Lorin's favorite restaurant) and continued reminising there, having a wonderful time together as a family. Another Angel picked up the tab!I am so grateful to my husband, children, grandchildren, family and friends for making this day such a special and memorable one in honor of such an amazing son. How blessed I am to have been his mother! I miss him terribly but I know that he is exactly where he is suppose to be and serving the Lord just like he wanted.Lorin has had several friends leave on missions this year and 2 of them leaving just today. I have no doubt that he will be there to help guide them many times throughout there 2 years. Lorin is lucky enough to be able to serve many more years and we are seeing and feeling the blessings of that. Until we meet again, I love you sweetheart. Serve well.Your Eternal Mother

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Year Has Passed...June 25, 1990 - November 18, 2008

I really can't believe that it has been a year since Lorin left our lives for a much better place. I sit and think today of all the good times and fun memories. I knew before Lorin was born he was going to make a impact on this world, he was wanting to come here so bad to get ready to teach each us of his Father in Heaven. What a missionary he was and still is, if it was possible to ooze the gospel, Lorin did. Everything this special young man touch had the gospel bound to it some how! He was such a great example to all of us. Madison looked up to him so much and she misses him terribly...I remind her of what great work he is doing for Heavenly Father and that if she lives her life right, she will see him again. "That tomorrow is just another day."

We love and miss you Lorin...."ETTE" Endure To The End.............................

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Forgotten Picture's "2"

Sheridan and Josh (nice face)

Me, Alicia and Jamie

Chris, Jamie and Me

Jamie and Madison playing life...Mary on the phone
(hi Mary!)

Forgotten Pictures...Good Times!

Barron, you should have seen his dance!
Jamie and Alicia counting up the score

Jamie had a HIGH score and was still trying his luck
and not Farkling and he did it, you should have heard us ! I think he got like
68,000 points at the end of the roll....AWESOME!

Chris trying his luck at different styles of throwing.
(Good Times)

Chris finally got a good roll, YAHOO!!!!

I took theses pictures back in June and put them on my computer and then we were off to our family reunion. Well I was scanning thought the pictures and found them, thought I'd share some serious FARKLE playing!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday To You!

Today is my Grandson Audriq's Birthday, he is 3 years old ! We hope you are having a wonderful birthday and have lots of fun!!! Love, Grandpa, Grandma and Madison

Happy Birthday!

Today is my granddaughter Zoe's 3rd birthday! She is growing up fast...I hope you have a great birthday!!! Love, Grandpa, Grandma and Madison

Monday, October 26, 2009

They are new and they are here!

Today Madison got her glasses. She is really excited plus she says that now she will be able to see her school work better...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No It's....?

~SUPERGIRL!!!~ Madison was being her funny self as usual, playing on a chair and this is what I got.....only Madison can make you laugh at something so simple!

Fall Festival

Our ward has it's annual fall festival each year. Bill's mother gave Madison a costume that she had made 8 years ago. So Madison went as Pocahontas...she got a lot of complements on her outfit. She lasted longer in the wig than I thought. The fall festival was great as always!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Things Change....

I guess with the Army nothing is official until you step off the plane! Jamie, Mary and the boys are now going to Fort Campbell, Kentucky instead of Korea. I am not sure how they feel about it, but I know I am thrilled to no end! Korea is along ways away and I knew I would never be able to visit them. I haven't been able to even go to Alaska because of cost, so I am much happier to have them here in the lower 48 again!!! William was stationed at Fort Campbell 21 years ago and loved it. Jamie and his brother Zane were born there also. We are excited for them, they won't be there til next August. Jamie has to go through AIT again for his new MOS first.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today is Teppo, my Grandson's 5th Birthday! Grandpa,Grandma and Madison wishes you the best day ever!!! These are some of my favorite picture's of Teppo over the years...We love you!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Brandon and MaKenna's Wedding

Here are just a couple of pictures from Brandon and MaKenna's Wedding...Brittany has alot more on her facebook. It was really a beautiful evening....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Official

Well as official as the Army can be to this point, it could change. Jamie and his family's new duty station will be in Korea...Jamie re-enlisted in the Army and is changing his MOS, he will be a Air Traffic Controller. He starts AIT (schooling) In March of next year, Mary and the boys will stay in Alaska til he his done then they will all go to Korea for 2 years.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Found Pocahontas!

I have been looking for a wig for Madison for halloween. Her Grandma Jennie gave her a Pocahontas costume that she(Grandma Jennie) wore years ago. Madison has been really excited to wear it this year but said she had to have the wig or it won't be the same. Well I found one last week with Alicia while we were at Walmart. Today I let Madison try it on...

Monday, August 31, 2009

An Awesome Friend

Today my friend Alicia made Madison the cutest present for her is a bath sheet towel with her nick name on it, Madi Bear. She (Madison) really likes it and can't wait to take a bath tonight and use it. Thanks Alicia you are so sweet!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Poor Nose

Not a fun thing to go through just a couple of days before your birthday...Monday night Madison was complaining about her throat hurting, so of coarse we did the gargling thing and put her in bed. The next day she didn't go to school and by the afternoon her allergies were way out of control, her throat is all better though. Well this morning when she got up it was a lot worse than last night. I keep telling her she needs to get better because tomorrow is her here are some pictures of her poor nose!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

6 Years Old!

Ethan 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHAN!!! I can't believe you have grown so fast....I hope you have a GREAT birthday. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Crawford and Madison