I have been looking for this video forever it seems...I love this movie. I remember watching like maybe 5 times and then I haven't seen it in years. Never thought I'd own this one.
LeAnn her grandson Landon, blowing out the candles
Opening gifts
All the yummy food!
LeAnn visiting with family and friends
This is what you look like after you throw your wife a birthday party....
(my brother Craig~your awesome!!!)
Today was LeAnn's (I know she won't mind) 50th Birthday...She looks amazing!!! Last week for her birthday present she went SKY DIVING!!!! That is totally amazing....I told her have fun, there is NO way I would ever do that. I saw the pictures from it and she looked great. So tonight her wonderful husband (my brother Craig) gave her a birthday party with family and friends. So Happy Birthday LeAnn!!!
Today Madison and I were in Dollar Tree. Well she saw those eye covers that you wear to sleep in to keep the light out. Well she had to have the pink ones! So of coarse the Mother that I am, if a picture op comes I take it!!!
As some of you know Gavin had to be taken to Tucson to be admitted to TMC. They figured out that he had, pyloric stenosis which is basically the muscle in his lower stomach was closed. They did surgery on him Thursday. Everything went well and he is on his way home today! Thank you to all of you and for your prayers.
William's nephew got married in April and here are some of the pictures. His wife Jaymie is the cutest girl, she is a life size Barbie as Madison calls her. We weren't able to go to the wedding but I heard it was amazing! Congratulations Mark and Jaymie......