Gavin Warner was born on 3.30.09 at 9:09pm weighing in at 7 pds. 5 oz. 19 1/2 in. long. Black hair and looks like his older sister. Congratulations to Chris and Leslie!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wonderful Hubby
A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with Bill and told him I didn't like the shrubs that had been planted in our front yard when we bought our house. (the landscaper's picked out) So we went down to Moon valley Nursery and picked out some beautiful roses. Bill planted them for me and now I get to wake up to the most beautiful roses I have ever seen, plus they smell so good! Thank you Honey!
Friday, March 27, 2009
All tired from Moving!
HAW! got you to look at this....................For some of you that knew Bill's parents are moving from Prescott down to Saharita,Az. Well for the passed 2 days we have moved part of them there. It was along hard 2 days, but we enjoyed getting to spend time with his parents. I love my in laws! I wanted to take some pictures of the move but forgot my camera...the small uhaul truck was full to the brim!!! It was quit fun seeing them get as much as they did into it. (Crawford's: Grandma even said she had to much junk, WOW!...ha ha ha) It will be really nice for them when they get all finished moving.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Highly Recommend
When I was in Utah I went by the Desseret Books and picked up a book for some reading. I found this small but BIG book. I went to Temple Square found myself a quiet place to sit and just read. As tears filled my eyes and smiles came to my face. I enjoyed this book from cover to cover. I could picture Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley talking to me. If you have the chance read this book, "One Bright Shinning Hope".
Flashback Friday
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
Boys will be boys...even in there 20's! We went with all our kids at the fairgrounds park in Safford, Arizona. (this a couple of years ago) And of coarse the boys had to get on and play just like the little kids were. All I can say is...Boys will be boys!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I have never heard this one ~ Interesting Thought....
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."— C.S. Lewis
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Getting instructions from Dad
No, Madison the plastic goes on the boxes!
Watering the soil in preperation for the seeds
Watering the soil in preperation for the seeds
For our family home evening this week, we planted seeds in grow boxes (easy way to grow plants). We planted corn,watermelon,broccoli,squash,cauliflower, cucumbers and okra. We are really excited to see how they do. Madison grew tomatoes and chili peppers all winter long. It was really fun to go and pick your own tomatoes right off the vine.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Flashback Friday
Well not sure what I am going to do about my flashback Friday. I am in Prescott and have no access to my photos. So after thinking for awhile, I have chosen a picture that I am sure all of us have on our comps. It is in the sample pictures, I am sure that all of us have used this picture for our desktop or screen saver once! I hope all of you have had a wonderful Friday!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wacky Wednesday!
Well there was nothing really wacky about this Wednesday...I met Cheryl and Addie for lunch today. We went to a place called "Do Do Restaurant" It was a quiet little place that had really good soup and sandwiches. Then we went walking around at Gateway Mall. It was really a nice day. Afterwards I went back to Temple Square and saw a lot more stuff that I didn't know was there. I got to go into the R.S. building and then I went and saw the Movie on Joesph Smith. What an amazing movie...Today was a good day!
Cheryl and Addie: It was GREAT to see you...Thank you for a good day! Addie as soon as I get home I will put your pictures on here that I took, so you can see them, you are an awesome girl, thank you for the smiles!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
THoughts from Temple Square...
Today, I went down to Temple Square and walked around. What a beautiful place to be, the sun was shinning with just a cool breeze blowing, just a time to sit quietly and think about loved ones here and those who have gone on before. What a stronger testimony I have gotten since I have been here. Our Heavenly Father truly loves us and wants us to live our lives worthily to live with him again. To have such a tremendous love for us his children and to suffer what he did for us and for our oldest brother to love us, but to die for us. What a love..... I am so grateful for what they have done for me personally. I will be so ever grateful and humbled....
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